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Make Your Bed and Win the Day!

"Make your bed!" my mother used to yell up the stairs to me when I was a kid. I could never understand why that was such a big deal, especially since it was in MY room, and no one was going to see it anyway! It took many years before I figured out that making my bed wasn't about what anyone else thought or about my mother trying to control me; it was for my own benefit (as were most things my mother was trying to teach me).

This week's new habit is Making Your Bed, so write that on a piece of paper and stick it to your mirror to remind you until it becomes a habit. If you are new here, this is #7 in a series of small weekly changes that will reap big benefits. The first six were:

1. Drink more water

2. Drink less soda and other sugary drinks

3. Eat more fruits and veggies

4. Eat less sugar

5. Learn how to cook from scratch with clean ingredients

6. Eat less processed food

Making Your Bed is Simple Change #7 in my "52 Simple Changes that Will Transform Your Life". Get your FREE copy of this list by clicking here, and follow along with us as we make one simple change every week this year!

My daughter Lisa's bed

Making your bed is a small thing, but it can reap big benefits. Here are a few:

1. It instantly makes your room look a lot cleaner. The bed is the biggest thing in the room, and by pulling the covers up and arranging the pillows nice and neatly, the majority of the room is suddenly cleaner!

2. A clean room makes for a clearer head. For some personality types in particular, a cluttered, messy room makes for a cluttered, messy mind. If taking one minute to make your bed helps you think clearly and feel more relaxed, then that is one very well spent minute!

3. A made bed is very inviting for a restful night's sleep, and who doesn't need that?? Think about when you go to a hotel, and the bed is beautifully made up (sometimes with a piece of wrapped chocolate on the pillow!)....I always find that so inviting!

4. This one may be most important: Turning the making of your bed into a daily habit before you run out the door is foundational in learning self-discipline. It's a small thing, but making the bed is often something we don't really feel like doing. All the more reason to do it! Self-discipline is all about doing things that you know you should be doing but don't really want to do. As you start completing small tasks that you don't really feel like doing, you will find that you not only feel a sense of accomplishment, but you also build the strength and self-discipline to complete the most difficult tasks when times are tough.

I'll leave you with this incredibly inspirational video about making your bed and changing the world:

Making Your Bed is Simple Change #7 in my "52 Simple Changes that Will Transform Your Life". Get your FREE copy of this list by clicking here, and follow along with us as we make one simple change every week this year!

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